Sheer Joy! Snoopy doing the happy dance.
This particular Sunday of Advent actually has its own name in the church world.
It’s called Gaudete Sunday. You will find that it comes from the latin phrase
“Gaudete in Domino semper” – translation: Rejoice in the Lord always.
Thus our candle of Joy.
[You Marines caught that word Semper, as in Semper Fi = Always Faithful.]
If Advent is a bit new to you, here’s a quick recap: today, churches and homes around the world will light the third candle of the Advent wreath.
There are colors and symbolism of the season as well. The last two candles that were lit during the past two Sundays, were purple.
This week, a rose or pink colored candle will be lit. This is called the JOY candle.

The Pink Candle.
In certain what we call “High Church” environments, the priest will even change from his purple robes or sashes of the past two weeks into rose colored ones. The church as a whole will move from a season of fasting and repentance into one of joy.
So, if you see any of these symbols or colors in wreaths this coming week, perhaps you will now feel a more “in the know”. If anything, that will put a smile on your face.
And if you have a moment, read Luke Chapter 2. It’s the place that will share with the story where the shepherds were given “Tidings of great joy” which would be for all people.
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