Where Did You Get That?

It was an interesting evening of honest and thought provoking conversation. A room full of gals. Chatting. Coffee and really getting down to business. The topic? Where do we really get those beliefs we have? Whether we’re dealing with religion, politics, or...

Happy Birthday America!

I love birthdays. I recently had one, and I can tell you, the people around me made it a month long celebration….and I loved it! I like to joke that the celebration of my birthday should begin in January and end in September. I know, a little over the top, but...

Flag day: This Friday!

Not many folks are aware that June 14th is FLAG DAY. Maybe it’s because I grew up in San Diego County (a very military area) that I know about these things. I don’t really know. But I have to say, I have always enjoyed observing it. Even as a kid I stuck...