Ok. So it goes without saying, when I blog about political issues, y’all really get to clickin’. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice the jump in traffic, from you all, when I share information that relates to our country.
With that, I came across a clip of a Marine, a veteran, that attended one of the now infamous, town hall meetings that are occurring across our land.
Now, I have to tell you, I had the amazing privilege of briefly traveling with a very famous Marine a few years back. At the time, I was in a job that allowed me the opportunity to assist a few days during one of Col. Oliver North’s book tours. There I was. Completely star struck. (I had watched every day during the Contra hearings). And now, here he was. In the flesh. And the man did not disappoint. He was a gentleman. I will admit, he had no qualms at all about chewing out any of the men on our travel team, but when it came to me, a lady, it was a different story. I got the red carpet. I will never forget that. Or him.
And too, years back, I dated a Marine. I even got to attend a Marine Corp Ball. (That is a pretty big deal by the way!) I was raised in the San Diego area, so a military beau wasn’t too uncommon. I will have to say, he was truly loyal and noble. At least, while he dated me. And I am grateful.
But back to this new Marine that I have not met, all I can say is this, once a Marine, always a Marine. And I can assure you, there is something about those Leathernecks. They do not disappoint.
Semper Fi, as they say.