Lincoln’s Pocket watch: Just the facts please.

The movie LINCOLN has been a massive hit in theaters over the past few months. Everyone seemed to be talking about it for awhile. The focus of the film was about the slavery issue. But some may not recall his Presidency with those particular facts in mind. I remember...

Holy Week: Stone Cold Saturday

The Tomb. That’s where Christ was on this day. And it was deathly silent. It was Saturday. The Jewish Sabbath. So no work would be done from sunset the night before until sunset this night. That is why there was such a rush to have Jesus prepared for burial and...

Holy Week: Good Friday

If you have seen the amazing movie by Mel Gibson The Passion of the Christ, you know that calling the day Jesus was crucified “good” seems a bit strange. But the fact is, if you know the story, it does have a happy ending. Basically, in the middle of the...

Holy Week: Day 7 – Maundy Thursday

Growing up, I thought people were saying, “Monday Thursday,” and it always confused me a bit. But it’s actually Maundy Thursday and you will see church signs today announcing services this evening that bear this name. Most people don’t realize that...