Spread the Word. The Gospel, that is.

There was one particular song I enjoyed that became popular in the 1990s that was by the band Whiteheart. It was called Say the Word. I just could not get enough of it. The words spoke directly to my heart. They were so simple and true. Basically, the song explains that you don’t have to do much, just speak the words of God (the Bible), and amazing things happen. After all, it is God’s Word. I think it can pretty much stand on it’s own.

Outside the written word, some people are just so full of the love and the Spirit of the Lord that their actions speak louder than any words that can be said. The Gospel shines through them on a daily basis.

With that, what it all comes down to is getting out the news about the Gospel. The Good News. And with the situation America is in today, I’d say that what this country could use more than any Stimulus package is a good dose of the Good News of the Gospel.

Just think, if instead of a mandate for tax payer dollars, Congress had signed into law a bill that stated we had to be honest, had to share, had to think of others first, had to give first, had to meet each others needs, had to pay our bills, had to pay on time, had to pay in cash, had to honor God, and had to live Godly lives, this world would heal up pretty quickly if you ask me.

But the answer isn’t money. It’s peace. Peace of mind. Peace of life. Peace of heart. Something that money just can’t buy. Without inner peace, all of the money in the world and the good life it can bring simply isn’t enough.

Sure, we only get one shot at this life. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to make the best of it we can. But may we not forget, there’s a whole lot of living that comes in the hereafter. As a matter of fact, it’s called eternity. And that’s a really, really, really long time. With no end!

So, if you aren’t sure where to focus some of your time, money and energy this year, why not focus on clever ways to personally Spread the Gospel.

I know it’s been on my heart this week. And I hope it might be on yours as well.

Spreading the word…
