“…These are the things to which we aspire in all areas of our lives”. Such were the words that the yoga instructor chose to close out our class for the morning. As I attempted to release my ankle from my thigh, rotate my shoulders back to their normal position and successfully re-locate my feet, once fully unraveled, I regained my physical composure and began to work toward re-entry into the real world. Those final words really struck a chord with me though and rang heavy in my ears.
“Hmmm.” I muttered to myself while exiting the torture chamber, er, studio. What a concept those few words posed. As I trapsed past the water dispenser I could imagine the various scenarios that take place, and how differently they might play out if that simple phrase became action. For example, when that annoying individual enters our office or space, instead of looking up with that “make it good and make it fast” glance that we shoot, what if we truly stopped and thought loving kindness, good humor and self-awareness as they crossed the threshhold into our domain? The outcome of that momentary meeting could be drastically different to be sure.
As I made my way past the treadmills and towards the door, I was embarrassed to think back on the many times I have showed my annoyance or arrogance in situations. How difficult would it truly have been in those moments to simply muster a light smile, offer a heart-felt laugh or realize that how I come across during that interaction is what they will remember most when they depart.
Interestingly, if truth be told, we do tend to think a bit higher of ourselves than we ought on most days. It’s not something we like to admit. But it’s true none the less. It then struck me that the self-awareness part is what wraps up the entire little phrase. “Maybe that being self-aware part should really be placed at the beginning to get our attention,” I mused. If we started there, think of how differently our day could have gone. Or, if it’s not too late, still can.