If You Like Thanksgiving, Thank a Pilgrim.

Each Thanksgiving I like to make doggie treats. Now hear me out. I know a pie is usually in order, but most people with dogs like to receive gifts for their pets too. Especially if the pup is a family member of sorts. So, for those kindred spirits, I enjoy surprising...

Daisy does the Hilton.

If you are traveling today over the rivers and through the wood to perhaps Grandmother’s house as you go, you will appreciate this little tail, or tale I should say of sorts.   In my family, we come from different states to gather in Texas for the holidays.  I...

There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays.

Thankfulness. Gratitude. Abundance. Blessing. Words that sum up Thanksgiving. At least, words that used to be part of what Thanksgiving in Amercia used to be like and still can be in my humble opinion.   No family is perfect.  Believe me. I would never try to give you...