The 1st George W. Pointed the Way.

A Section from President George Washington’s Last Will and Testament… December 1799 “…Item Upon the decease of my wife, it is my Will and desire, that all the slaves which I hold in my own right, shall receive their freedom. To emancipate them during her life, would,...


It’s a saying that we use, but these days, I would venture to say, without much thought. At least, over the past few decades I would imagine. But of late, this old phrase has come to take on new meaning to many.   The success of the homosexual community and the fight...

Memorial Day – Part I

Not that my friend was trying to do me in, but after 50 minutes of Zumba class (my first visit to such fun), I was beginning to question her motives.  My heart pounding and my lungs heaving, I somehow successfully managed to climb into her car for the ride home....


Sometimes, it is amazing to me when I realize the immense amounts of critical history that we have never heard of or read.  I was doing some brief reading and came across the name Gen. Wolfe and the story of the victory in battle that he won, but at the cost of his...