South of the Border.

I came across a newsletter that shared a story within a story. It was quite dramatic. So I thought it of interest to share with you. “…my name is Raul. I am a Hispanic, I am a Republican, and I live in the GREATEST country in the world and I’m proud of it....

Adrian Rogers

“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.  What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not...

From Died-in-the-Wool Liberal to Right-Wing Extremist?

How does that even happen? Or, even more than that, does it? The news had been full of reports decrying the “dozens” of people that attended the Tea Parties on Tax Day. Just a few angry, right wingers, venting and eschewing their tax-paying duties. Or so...

Did You Know?

I was reading through some newsletters, as I do while going through my email each morning, and came across some info that I honestly either did not remember or had never heard of or learned. Here are a few for that fertile brain of yours today: The state of...

Tolerance. Has it Made Us Better? Safer?

The frustrated individual was bemoaning the erratic behavior of a caller that had just left them a message. “Ok, what do you do with a bully?” I asked. Hoping to calm them a bit and help them regain their composure if not perspective. “Punch them in...

Tea Party Anyone?

Ok, so I had planned another blog, but word is out about the Tax Day Tea Parties, and that’s about the buzz today. So, if you would like to join a Tea Party near you, here you go: Visit Then, look to the right of the page. Choose your...