by billyzh | Aug 3, 2010 | Family, Spirituality, Women/Relationships
As I poured my cup of coffee from the large urn that sat on the white cloth covered table outside the sanctuary doors, I suddenly realized there was a line for the cream and sugar. A line? How hard can it be to add cream and sugar I thought? Apparently, harder than...
by billyzh | Jul 24, 2010 | Death/Mourning, History, Spirituality
A few weeks ago I was sitting in a glass lobby and noticed a butterfly alight on the door outside. I can’t say as I have seen that happen before. Or, if I had, not sure why this particular occasion stuck with me. A week later, as I was pulling up to a stop...
by billyzh | Jul 20, 2010 | Career/Job, Spirituality, Women/Relationships
As the yoga instructor guided us through our final relaxation exercise, she wrapped up the session with the following challenge, “Try this. For the next 24 hours see if you can only think and speak positive.” Funny. I had done yoga for about 3 years, and I can’t...
by billyzh | May 12, 2010 | Politics, Spirituality
Spread the Word. The Gospel, that is. There was one particular song I enjoyed that became popular in the 1990s that was by the band Whiteheart. It was called Say the Word. I just could not get enough of it. The words spoke directly to my heart. They were so simple and...
by billyzh | May 4, 2010 | Death/Mourning, History, Spirituality
That’s the statement I keep hearing over and over again. Each time I look at a new email or text message, it’s news of loss. And it can be hard to take. If you haven’t yet heard, Nashville, TN received 3 months of rain in a 48 hour period this past...
by billyzh | Apr 11, 2010 | Career/Job, Family, Financial, Spirituality, Travel
Many of you may be familiar with the once popular reality TV show that was called The Simple Life. It featured Paris Hilton and her BFF Nicole Richie. They would travel to the more rural areas, at times, and experience life outside of the Gucci and Prada set. Now, I...