One Lump, or Two?

As I poured my cup of coffee from the large urn that sat on the white cloth covered table outside the sanctuary doors, I suddenly realized there was a line for the cream and sugar. A line? How hard can it be to add cream and sugar I thought? Apparently, harder than...

Good News for a Weary Soul.

Spread the Word. The Gospel, that is. There was one particular song I enjoyed that became popular in the 1990s that was by the band Whiteheart. It was called Say the Word. I just could not get enough of it. The words spoke directly to my heart. They were so simple and...

It’s Just So…Surreal.

That’s the statement I keep hearing over and over again. Each time I look at a new email or text message, it’s news of loss. And it can be hard to take. If you haven’t yet heard, Nashville, TN received 3 months of rain in a 48 hour period this past...