by billyzh | Mar 1, 2012 | Holidays, Spirituality
Ok. We’re a week into it. How ya’ doin’? I’ve heard folks who’ve been giving up sweets, chocolate, soft drinks, and more. So what did you give up for Lent? I learned of one particular gal who is taking a very “outside the box”...
by billyzh | Feb 22, 2012 | Holidays, Spirituality
If you see black smudges on someone’s forehead today? Don’t panic. Today is Ash Wednesday. In case today catches you a bit by surprise, perhaps this info will spare you an awkward moment with that colleague or person on the street that you might encounter....
by billyzh | Feb 4, 2012 | Relationships, Spirituality
Are you finding it hard to forgive someone lately? When the email titled “Church Kids” arrivedin my inbox, I didn’t realize it would end up as part of a blog. It was a kind of “kids say the craziest things” collection and I have to admit, these were new to me....
by billyzh | Jan 20, 2012 | Spirituality
As we stood in front of the large screen TV in the conference room, I was simply stunned and amazed. Without fail, each time I was scheduled for a particular women’s event, there seemed to be a severe Thunderstorm and Tornado in my area. Rain would pour. Trees...
by billyzh | Dec 15, 2011 | Holidays, Spirituality
The season of Anticipation is just about to hit a high note. This Sunday, we will finally light that pink candle in the wreathe that we’ve all been looking at and wondering about. So, here it is. The scoop on the Rose Colored Candle. It’s apparently known...
by billyzh | Dec 8, 2011 | History, Holidays, Spirituality
This Sunday actually has a name. It’s called Gaudete Sunday. And a very big $3 prize for whoever got that word right. For those of you new to this blog, welcome. We’ve been taking a look at Advent (the season of anticiption) this month, with a few sidebars...