Judas' Betrayal

Judas’ Betrayal

Dark Wednesday, Spy Wednesday…I just call it Weird Wednesday.
Throughout church history, this day in Holy Week has earned a few interesting names.
Some scholars argue that today was the day Judas Iscariot made plans with the chief priests. (For 30 pieces of silver he agreed to show them where they could easily capture Christ.) No one is really sure what happened on this day. One thing we do know, Wednesday is a bit of a mystery.
Scriptures show that the Jewish leaders were very angry with Jesus and were busy planning His demise. Here’s a bit of how that looked:
Matthew 26:3-5.  Then the chief priests and the elders of the people were gathered together in the court of the high priest, named Caiaphas; and they plotted together to seize Jesus by stealth and kill Him.
Moment to Catch:
So, where was Jesus when all of this was taking place? Well, He was heading back towards Bethany each evening. And, apparently, at the home of Simon the Leper during dinner on this night, His feet were anointed with an expensive ointment by a woman.

But during the day, we find this was his schedule:
Luke 21:37-38. Each day Jesus was teaching at the temple, and each evening he went out to spend the night on the hill called the Mount of Olives, and all the people came early in the morning to hear him at the temple.

Tomorrow, we look at what they call Maundy Thursday in Holy Week. Watch those church signs as you drive around town this week. You’ll see services are being held tomorrow at some of the more formal, or what we call “high” churches. Maybe you can slip in and catch one! If so, let me know what you think about it.
Thot for today:
When you know someone is plotting or planning your demise, who do you turn to? If you find yourself in this situation, turn it over to Jesus…I think He has an idea of He exactly how that feels.
Verses for Today:
Mark 14:1-10