Not so fast…

Sometimes in life, things happen that look permanent. You can’t imagine anything good coming from the situation. No hope at all. But then, something amazing happens.What do I mean by that? I was sitting in a most lovely Tenebrae service this past Friday at my...

The Tomb

Saturday: The Tomb That’s where Christ was on this day. Saturday was the Jewish Sabbath. No work would be done from sunset the night before until sunset this night. That is why there was such a rush to have Jesus prepared for burial and placed into the tomb by...

Holy Week: Day 8

It’s Good Friday! If you have seen the amazing movie by Mel Gibson The Passion of the Christ, you know that calling the day Jesus was crucified “good” seems a bit strange. But the fact is, if you know the story, it does have a happy ending....

Holy Week: Day 7

Maundy Thursday  Growing up, I thought people were saying, “Monday Thursday,” and it always confused me a bit. But it’s actually “Maundy Thursday”. You’ll see church signs today (and probably have over the last week) announcing...

Holy Week: Day 6

Dark Wednesday, Spy Wednesday…I just call it Weird Wednesday. Throughout church history, this day in Holy Week has earned a few interesting names. Some scholars argue that today was the day Judas Iscariot made plans with the chief priests. (For 30 pieces of silver he...

Holy Week: Day 5

Holy Week – Tuesday. Knowing it’s His final week on this earth as a human, Jesus seems to be trying to get in every little last bit of business that He can before His departure. 1. The Pharisees try to trap Jesus into making a blasphemous, or rather,...