It’s Good Friday!

Good Friday.

Good Friday.

If you have seen the amazing movie by Mel Gibson The Passion of the Christ, you know that calling the day Jesus was crucified “good” seems a bit strange. But the fact is, if you know the story, it does have a happy ending.
Basically, in the middle of the night, (Thursday night) Roman soldiers captured Jesus. They arrested him then drug him to an illegal trial that the Jewish leadership set up in the wee hours of the morning.
After that, He was brutally beaten. Passed between Herod and Pilate, and was finally handed over for a terrible torture – crucifixion. Where he was hung between two thieves.
Jesus was put on the cross close to 9:00 am in the morning and hung there most of the day. At noon, the sky grew dark, and there was an earthquake. Close to 3:00 pm, He gave up His spirit and died.
Moment to Catch
One of my favorite parts, that you don’t hear much about, is that graves opened when that happened and the bodies of the saints came out and visited loved ones! If you don’t believe me check this out.

Matt. 27:52-53 The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.

It was a very full and powerful day.
Thot for Today
Sometimes things that happen to us in life can, at the time seem anything but good. It’s only when we come out on the other side, that we can see the “good” that came of the situation.
I know we are all busy, but when you have a second, read the story. Matthew chapter 27 today.
In Remembrance of Him.
Verses for Today:
Matt 27:1-61
Mark 15:1-47
Luke 22: 66- 23:55
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