Sweet hour of prayer


For those poignant, quiet moments. When nothing short of silence is perfect, this song of prayer speaks to the heart like nothing else can.



It was the inauguration of a particular President of the United States, and I was watching from home on television. (Little did I know I would one day have the privilege of actually attending two Presidential inaugurations and the festivities to boot one day in D.C. at a later date.)

As I watched, what I think was a prayer breakfast during those particular ceremonies, I suddenly found myself thinking, “Wow, that sounds familiar.” After a few moments, I thought, “Wait a minute! That’s my arrangement!” The person singing Sweet Hour of Prayer, with only the accompaniment of a grand piano, was note by note, inflection by inflection, pause by pause exactly the way I recorded the song on my album. I was stunned. Who was she? How did she get a copy of my album? Why didn’t they contact me to ask for the music or something? It was pre-internet and my songs weren’t live or downloadable yet at that time. Oh, well, I guess that was a moment. I realized one should just be silent and be flattered. They liked it. And that was great!

The song is so peaceful and beautiful, and I am now so pleased someone thought enough of my rendition that they thought it worthy of a presidential moment. Very cool, if you ask me. The song is worth careful attention. And is lovely to listen to let alone sing.

Ironically, the photoshoot that provides the photo for this tune was held at the Japanese Prayer Garden at the Cheekwood Bontical Gardens in Nashville, TN.

Classic gospel hymns, gospel hymns, old gospel songs, best gospel songs of all time, contemporary gospel music, hymns, Stephanie Huffman gospel albums, Traditional Christian hymns, I’ll Fly Away, Sweet Hour of Prayer, Nothing but the Blood, Gone, Tis the Gift to be Simple, Simple Gifts, What a friend we have in Jesus, Leaning on the everlasting arms, Take my life and let it be, Doxology, Come thou fount, I asked the Lord, Mansion over the Hilltop, That wonderful someone, oh how I love Jesus, A Mighty Fortress is our God, Bringing in the sheaves


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