O How I Love Jesus


Description #1: If you grew up in the church, you most likely learned this song. It was easy for the children, and once you learned it at an early age, it was forever in your mind and heart. It’s a song people love to sing and has that perfect lilt that looks great in the pews as you watch. Especially from stage.



Description #2:  I love to hear congregations sing this song. And when in concert, it was a special time when I transitioned into this number. People who may have been wandering mentally suddenly popped back into being present and the house was suddenly once again, all in one accord. I’d watch as each person sang the words and melodies from their hearts, some with eyes closed, and all swaying back and forth in the same rhythm. It was lovely to watch and amazing to experience. Nothing like a room that is in full unity. Rare these days. I treasure those memories and those audiences.



Classic gospel hymns, gospel hymns, old gospel songs, best gospel songs of all time, contemporary gospel music, hymns, Stephanie Huffman gospel albums, Traditional Christian hymns, I’ll Fly Away, Sweet Hour of Prayer, Nothing but the Blood, Gone, Tis the Gift to be Simple, Simple Gifts, What a friend we have in Jesus, Leaning on the everlasting arms, Take my life and let it be, Doxology, Come thou fount, I asked the Lord, Mansion over the Hilltop, That wonderful someone, oh how I love Jesus, A Mighty Fortress is our God, Bringing in the sheaves


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