Ok. We’re a week into it. How ya’ doin’? But first…
Last Wednesday I was sitting in Starbucks with my CPA chatting away. Suddenly around the corner came a gal with a huge black mark on her head. I literally took two double takes…I am embarrassed to admit. Of all people, I should have known! I blog on it for heaven’s sake. But the smudge on her forehead was no longer in the shape of an Ash Wednesday cross, it was a horrible mess that looked like a very big personal problem.  But back to our point…As you may know, that was the first day of Lent.
Folks give up sweets, chocolate, soft drinks, and more during this 40 day fasting period in preparation for Resurrection Day.  It reminded me of a particular gal who once took a very “outside the box” approach on the matter. Here’s the scoop…
“I just decided for Lent I was going to write a hand written note to people in my life for the next 40 days. I prayed that God would show me who needed their spirits lifted and then I got your email [about that person who needed encouragement]. How wonderful! I will write him today. Please let me know if you know anyone else that needs lifting up.”
I remember thinking, “Why didn’t I think of that!” But I didn’t. She did. And I am glad!  I can assure you I did not give up coffee. 🙁 So what did you give up for Lent? Anything? Or, any news twists to this tradition that you’d like to share? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Happy Fasting!
Just my thoughts. Yours?