by billyzh | Mar 28, 2011 | History, Holidays
It’s hard to believe that Easter is right around the corner. And though may of us are familiar with colored eggs, few of us these days are familiar with the RED one. It wasn’t until I watched a certain movie that I was even aware of this tradition. Do you...
by billyzh | Mar 25, 2011 | Entertaining, Financial, History, Holidays, Spirituality
While in McDonald’s grabbing what I thought would be a quick lunch, I couldn’t help noticing the exhausted police officer standing to my left patiently waiting for his lunch. When the tray finally slid out, there were two Filet of Fish sandwiches and the...
by billyzh | Mar 21, 2011 | Entertaining, History, Holidays
If you’re a musician, have been a music student, or had music classes in school, you may remember humming or singing, “Hot Cross Buns, Hot Cross Buns…” or better yet, you were doing the number system as you sang, “3,2,1….3,2,1” (the numbers used instead of the...
by billyzh | Mar 18, 2011 | Holidays, Spirituality, Travel
“Spring is here…” Those were the opening words from one of the tunes I used to sing back in the day. That “Day” was when I was the front girl for a 17-piece stage band. I loved my days with “the boys”. Those guys were incredible...
by billyzh | Mar 13, 2011 | Family, Holidays
Are you Green or Orange this St. Patty’s Day? When we see or think of St. Patrick’s Day, we think green. We wear green. We eat green things. Perhaps that’s due, in large part, to the fact that Green was the color of the Flag for Irish Catholics. But did you know that...
by billyzh | Mar 9, 2011 | Holidays, Spirituality, Uncategorized
I will never forget one particular day while routinely tuning in the evening news, I caught a glimpse of a U.S. Senator who was being interviewed. What wasn’t routine was the black smudge on his forehead that I kept inadvertently trying to wipe off my TV screen....