Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

Holy Week. Day 2. Monday. So, now you know what happened on Palm Sunday. If you read yesterday’s blog that is.  Jesus went into Jerusalem,  rode through the streets on a donkey and the people waved palm branches and sang, “Hosanna to God in the highest.” You may have...

Wave a Palm Frond Today.

Holy Week. Day 1. Palm Sunday. In case you didn’t know, today began what is known as Holy Week.  Yep, the week before Easter. And it starts officially today. Palm Sunday.    I am amazed, saddened really, that a lot of churches this morning went through the entire day...

Hot Cross Buns.

If you are a musician, have been a student of music, or had music classes in school, the above phrase may have left you humming or singing, “Hot Cross Buns, Hot Cross Buns…” or better yet you were doing the number system as you sang, “3,2,1….3,2,1” (the numbers used...

“We were Orange.”

Those were the words my grandfather would repeat to me without fail each and every St. Patrick’s Day. He wasn’t trying to make a point, he was just proud that he knew something about our heritage and was pleased to pass the knowledge along to me.   When you see or...