I Have Something for You…

As I looked down at the text, I couldn’t imagine what my friend meant. Had I left something at the restaurant or at church? Had she, once again, picked up after me? I can get easily distracted and have a tendency to walk off without a lot of things I walked in...

A Good Friend & Guacamole.

I wish I could take credit for that great line, but I can’t. When my friend called, I could tell she’d had a rough day. Not one to complain, I could also tell she also didn’t want to unload on me. But she needed to. Trying not to push, I did my best...

Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home…

As I sat at my desk ready to wrap up the day, I suddenly noticed to my left a ladybug on an envelope. I hadn’t seen it all day. I don’t know how long it had been there. But suddenly, there it was. I was two stories up, and there were no windows open or doorways to the...


So some of you have been wondering how my wilderness skills are holding out during my back to basics experiment. If Ma and Pa Kettle could do it, my motto this week had become “So Can I!” As you may know, I have attempted to try out my “worst case” scenario motif, to...