by billyzh | Jun 9, 2008 | Not-Yet-Married
Don’t you get tired of answering that question? If you are anything like me, I would imagine that you have, many times more than not, come to feel that you are the quintessential fifth wheel in your little corner of the world. But if the statistics that I...
by billyzh | Jun 8, 2008 | Not-Yet-Married
Many of you are familiar with the TV show Sex and the City? (Recently released as a movie.) That show was not a hit because all of the women were married, but because they were single. It was the same thing with the sit coms Friends and Seinfeld. If you take a good...
by billyzh | Jun 7, 2008 | Not-Yet-Married
DAY 6 Don’t you want to get married? I love that question. Or, there’s always the “Don’t you think it’s because your expectations are too high?” That coming from the mouth of a divorced flight attendant recently as he leaned over...
by billyzh | Jun 5, 2008 | Career/Job, Not-Yet-Married
If you don’t recall those words, they are part of a famous line from a Vice Presidential debate where Admiral Stockdale, then the running mate with presidential candidate Ross Perot, found himself suddenly on the national stage and in the spotlight. Sometimes I...
by billyzh | Jun 4, 2008 | Divorced, Family, Not-Yet-Married, Widowed
I know you are not going to believe this, but writing a Blog on singleness was not one of the big 10 on my life-list of to dos. I just assumed that at some point in my little life I would be one of the myriad of women in the proverbial yellow house with the white...
by billyzh | Jun 3, 2008 | Not-Yet-Married
I never planned to write this blog. I wanted to be married. Happily married I might add. So married? Not so much. But happy? Yes, actually. Thus, these ponderables. What you are now scanning and in the days ahead is nothing more than a blathering of thoughts that I...