While scanning the morning headlines, one particular bit of news immediately had me doing a double take. Did I really see that right?  Chihuahua takes on Cougar…and wins?

Sure enough, I clicked on the link, and the story began to unfold.


Apparently a pet owner that has two of what I refer to as “taco dogs” heard a horrendous cry coming from one of her pooches in the dead of night. As she raced to determine the situation, she looked out her window only to see one of her Chihuahuas pinned to the ground by a cougar.


Her second pup, unseen by the pouncing predator suddenly emerged with a frightful attack – of barks! Not a bite. Not a scratch. But they worked all the same. And the cougar slipped off into the night.


It reminds me of the story of David and Goliath. A young teen-ager stepped out in front of a fearful Israeli army that had been taunted by a nine foot giant for 40 days.  With nothing more than a sling shot and five stones, the boy David, the future king of Israel, won.  ( I Samuel 17)


If you are facing some sort of giant, you too can know that regardless of the odds. You can win. It’s up to you. Step out. Growl. Swing your stones. Whatever you need to do.

But take on the giant. And go for the win. You never know where you just might end up.


Just my thoughts.





(Link for story on precocious pup.
