Leaning On The Everlasting Arms


Description #1: I don’t actually remember how or why we selected this song to be part of this hymns and gospel project, but I am so glad we included it. Alan Curtis always had a way of taking an old song and adding a fresh new, but holy twist. He was so talented, and I am sad that we lost him too soon. We forget to see the Lord as someone to lean on. We feel we have to beg His mercy, or ask Him for His love and care. But that mindset could not be farther from the truth.



Description #2:  In today’s culture of late we hear the phrase “Just lean in”. It’s supposed to mean that you don’t fight what’s happening, just embrace it. Accept it. Go with it. I find it interesting when I recorded this song in the late 90’s that term was not known or used at that time. Now when I hear this song, it has a new meaning. And I find it ironic. We truly should lean into Jesus. The Lord. The Holy Spirit. When we do, only good things can come of it.



Classic gospel hymns, gospel hymns, old gospel songs, best gospel songs of all time, contemporary gospel music, hymns, Stephanie Huffman gospel albums, Traditional Christian hymns, I’ll Fly Away, Sweet Hour of Prayer, Nothing but the Blood, Gone, Tis the Gift to be Simple, Simple Gifts, What a friend we have in Jesus, Leaning on the everlasting arms, Take my life and let it be, Doxology, Come thou fount, I asked the Lord, Mansion over the Hilltop, That wonderful someone, oh how I love Jesus, A Mighty Fortress is our God, Bringing in the sheaves


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