Well, it’s good to be back. Hard to believe so much time has flown by and gotten away from me.  And for the very long absence, I do apologize profusely. But, life happened, and so the silent departure. But now the grateful return.  In the days ahead I will attempt to get us all back on track with the Saga of the Solo Sisterhood. However, I just have to take a few moments to tell you briefly, that the last few months would not have been possible (and I probably would not even BE back) had it not been for the amazing family and friends that are in my life. From gifts of massages, to late night visits to my house to take the food from my freezer due to the power outage (caused by the tree that ripped out my power meter and fell on my roof), to the rides to and from the airport, the dog sitting, the lawn mowings, the dragging in of boxes left by the UPS, the watering of my flowers…I could go on and on and on.  These and a myriad of other tasks were graciously undertaken on my behalf by the wonderful people in my life while I was navigating the swirling waters of the last couple of months.  I truly was in awe of their generosity, their phone calls, their emails and text messages, and their cards.  Words could never express my gratitude to these incredibly dear people (and you know who you are!)  But a simple blog will have to suffice for tonight and a very heartfelt and sincere THANK YOU.  To all of you out there, please know that I am looking forward to getting back in the groove of our time together in the days ahead.
Hugs to you and chat soon!