Tis’ the gift to be simple


Description #1: I had always loved this tune. It was so haunting and lingers in your mind once you have heard it. I was always intrigued as well, that it was a shaker hymn. If you are not familiar with the Shaker community and faith, it is an interesting study. When I knew my album was going to become a reality, I was firm on this tune being part of the project. So much so, that the title of the album was taken from this song’s title.



Description #2:  Life can be so complex. And too, overwhelming. I think that is why the message of this song is so desirable. The lilting and simple tune just enhances the overall experience. I truly became introduced to this piece while studying music at the University of Redlands. I believe it was through Aaron Copeland’s Appalachian Spring, which I most likely experienced while studying dance—when we came to Martha Graham (and her ballet of 1944).

It was actually, however, attributed to a member of the Shaker Community, a one Mr. Joseph Brackett and dates to about 1848. Many today who had not known the piece prior most likely were introduced to it through the renowned “Lord of the Dance” as performed by the Irish Dancers and their amazing extravaganza.


Tis’ the gift to be simple tis’ the gift to be free tis’ the gift to come down where you ought to be and when we find ourselves in the place just right T’will be in the valley of love and delight

When true simplicity is gained to bow and to bend we chant be ashamed to turn, turn will be our delight til by turning, turning we come ’round right

Tis’ the gift to be simple tis’ the gift to be free tis’ the gift to come down where you ought to be and when we find ourselves in the place just right t’will be in the valley of love and delight


Classic gospel hymns, gospel hymns, old gospel songs, best gospel songs of all time, contemporary gospel music, hymns, Stephanie Huffman gospel albums, Traditional Christian hymns, I’ll Fly Away, Sweet Hour of Prayer, Nothing but the Blood, Gone, Tis the Gift to be Simple, Simple Gifts, What a friend we have in Jesus, Leaning on the everlasting arms, Take my life and let it be, Doxology, Come thou fount, I asked the Lord, Mansion over the Hilltop, That wonderful someone, oh how I love Jesus, A Mighty Fortress is our God, Bringing in the sheaves



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