Spring Forward…

Fall back, spring forward…I think that’s right…:) It’s that time again. The season where each of us frantically run around our homes changing the clocks in the bathroom, the living area, the bedrooms and the oven. If that’s not enough, we...

Spring is in the Air!

I love flowers. I love to see them on the roadside. I love when they pop up in my yard. I love receiving them! Nothing makes me smile like an assortment of fresh flowers on a table in my home. And they’re beginning to pop up all around town. Spring is here!...

The Girl Who Got Her Own Holiday.

I’m pretty fortunate. I will admit. My boyfriend decided shortly after we began dating, that I deserved my own holiday. Now, in all honesty, what gal doesn’t wan to hear that? I can say he has now kept the tradition and I do thoroughly enjoy it. But my...