Everything in Moderation.

As I clicked on the video clip, I had been prepared a bit prior for what was about to play out before me.  I don’t know if it was a skit or a real person, but the older woman’s voice on the other end of the telephone was trying to explain to host Ellen Degeneres that...


Well known speaker and author Chuck Swindoll was pointing out some words of wisdom from the Apostle Paul found in the book of 1 Corinthians. These were Greeks he was talking to. Educated, philosophized, cultured folk. But the admonition he gave them was anything but...

A Word for the Wise

 Have you ever said to someone, “That person needs a good talking to, or maybe just a kick in the pants.”  Perahps you are at a time in your life when you think that person might be you. Whatever the case, I came across the best quote this weekend. It’s been around...

A Point to be Stressed.

As I tried to revisit my day with my ever gracious listening friend, it was mutually  decided we’d refer to our time together that night as a melt-down party of sorts.  As we munched on tortilla chips and cheese sauce, I realized that I wasn’t upset in a bad way. But...