Conflict: It happens.

John D. Rockefeller was a very successful man. And very wealthy. But that didn’t make him immune to problems and conflict. If anything, there were more people in his daily life, and therefore, more conflict. He was quoted as saying: “The ability to deal with...

Where Your Treasure is…There Is Your Heart.

As I clicked on the TV late one night, Suze Orman could be heard offering up her wisdom to those in need of financial advice. Her voice drew me in, “As I tell you every Saturday night: People first. Then money. Then things.” Interestingly, I had just been working on a...

Silence is Golden

I was watching a new campaign ad that had just been released. As the images faded in and out, I realized there was only music…no words. The only message was the one that was written on the screen matching each image. It was pretty powerful. I am often amazed at the...