Esther’s Holiday. Know what it is?

Are you familiar with the story about Queen Esther? It goes like this: There was this king in ancient Iran who was angry with his Queen. Apparently, she didn’t show up in front of the drunken party he was throwing when he called her to the banquet hall. So, the...

Lent: Howz that workin’ for ya?

Ok. We’re a week into it. How ya’ doin’? I’ve heard folks who’ve been giving up sweets, chocolate, soft drinks, and more. So what did you give up for Lent? I learned of one particular gal who is taking a very “outside the box”...

Black Smudges on Foreheads Means…What?

If you see black smudges on someone’s forehead today? Don’t panic. Today is Ash Wednesday. In case today catches you a bit by surprise, perhaps this info will spare you an awkward moment with that colleague or person on the street that you might encounter....

The Skinny on Fat Tuesday.

Pancake Day. King Cake. Worrying about what you’ll give up for Lent? If any of these are on your mind, it’s probably because they’re all going down TODAY! For those of you wondering what this blog post has to do with anything, these...