by billyzh | Mar 23, 2009 | Family, History, Politics
I don’t know about you, but I certainly missed the speech Tiger Woods gave at the Lincoln Memorial festivities during Barack Obama’s Inauguration. In case you missed it too, that’s most likely due to the fact that his time at the podium was something...
by billyzh | Mar 15, 2009 | History, Politics
The Ides of March Are Upon You. If you sense the need to brush up on your Shakespeare, fret not. You are not alone. It was just a silly game night. About 20 or so of us gathered in honor of Saint Patrick’s Day and and to enjoy food, fun, and table games. A great way...
by billyzh | Mar 10, 2009 | Career/Job, History, Politics
I remember painfully sitting through the Advanced Placement history class that for some reason I had tested into. To this day, I will never know how I ended up in there. The teacher certainly wondered too. I never quite got her points. And she let me know it. In...
by billyzh | Feb 28, 2009 | Career/Job, History, Politics
Nowadays when we hear about America, we tend to only hear about how we are not appreciated or perceived well abroad. Celebrities (who have made their millions off of the American Dream and capitalism) speak negatively about who we are and how we operate. So I got to...
by billyzh | Feb 18, 2009 | Financial, Politics, Spirituality
Spread the Word. The Gospel, that is. There was one particular song I enjoyed that became popular in the 1990s that was by the band Whiteheart. It was called Say the Word. I just could not get enough of it. The words spoke directly to my heart. They were so simple...
by billyzh | Jan 21, 2009 | History, Politics
“… it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that His...