
Everyday Life w/ Stephanie

House on fire!

Card from my dog…

Not so fast…

Saturday is Flag Day!

President Woodrow Wilson (in 1916) issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day. But it wasn’t until August 1949 (a few years after WWII) that National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress. Flag Day is not actually an official federal holiday. Pennsylvania, however, made it a state holiday.

D-Day is June 6.

Sitting in a hotel room on the coast of England, Allied Commander Eisenhower knew that a small window of opportunity was all that he had with which to work. Weather was terrible. But if it broke, as they had been notified it might, 150,000 Allied soldiers would be deployed to land on the shores of Normandy.

Memorial Day: May We Remember.

Did you know that today used to be called Decoration Day? Few of us are aware of that nowadays, but that's only because few of us have ever been told. 🙂 It may come as a surprise to some, however, Memorial Day used to be a special time set aside for Americans to...

Bizarre God Moments.

As the morning progressed, I could see this person was not doing well. At the end, as the congregation began to exit, the daughter slipped out for a moment. It was then the mother told us, “She was raped this past week.”

Tough Stuff.

Doing the right thing during difficult situation is anything but easy. Sometimes, it’s all we can do to rise above and do what’s best. Not only for ourselves, but for all of those around us.

May Day: 5/1/14

I asked my grandmother to recall what she could about this particular long lost special day. And she told me.
“We use to make up little baskets of flowers and put them on people’s porches then run.”





Doing Life Together