Everyday Life w/ Stephanie
Holy Week: Palm Sunday
Sundown Saturday to sundown Sunday. (Jewish Clock) Palm Sunday In case you didn’t know, Palm Sunday begins Holy Week. That's the "name" that's been given to the week before Easter. The last week of Christ. What He did, where he went, who He saw. For those of you that...
Holy Week: The Sabbath
If you are just joining us today, be sure you read yesterday's post in order to understand what we've been up to this weekend. For the rest of you, welcome back! Today, Saturday, would have been the Sabbath for Jesus. It started sundown Friday evening and would go...
Holy Week: The final days of Jesus.
It might be new to you, but, Holy Week simply follows the last 7 days that Jesus walked on the earth. Holy Week is not "holy" in and of itself. But church folk over the ages dedicated this time to follow the final week of Christ. Where He went. What He did. You get...
Flowers, Flowers Everywhere!
I love flowers. I love to see them on the roadside. I love when they pop up in my yard. I love receiving them! Nothing makes me smile like an assortment of fresh flowers on a table in my home. Spring is here! But it has abnormally felt that way since January for those...
New Moon, Full Moon…what’s the difference?
I was looking at my calendar in preparation for the day's schedule and noticed I had plugged in "New Moon". I have cousins who are in the medical and fire fighting professions, so I had long heard stories about incidences that occur on a full moon. But the new moon...
St. Patrick was Not a Leprechaun? Who Knew!
Contrary to popular belief...Saint Patrick was not a Leprechaun who danced in clover. He was an actual son of wealthy British parents that lived over 1600 years ago. Here’s the scoop. When Patrick was only 16, some Irish raiders who attacked his family’s estate took...
Doing Life Together