
Everyday Life w/ Stephanie
Excuse me, please!
As I waited in line for the half-n-half, I suddenly realized there was a "line" for the cream and sugar. A line? How hard can it be to add cream and sugar I thought? Get your stuff. Dump it. Move on. Right? Well, not so much. Apparently, that task is harder than one...
Father’s Day is this coming Sunday!
Get ready to celebrate DAD this coming weekend. We'd love to hear from you. What type of festivities or fun have you got planned for good ole Dad. Let us know!
Get Ready for Flag Day!
Not many folks are aware that June 14th is FLAG DAY. Maybe it was because I grew up in a Military town (San Diego) that I know about these things. But I have to say, I have always enjoyed observing it. Even as a kid I stuck flags either in the yard or somewhere in...
Do you know about D-Day? (June 6th)
A dear friend of mine actually drove General Eisenhower's jeep once during the great WWII. Only 3 guys from his unit of 200 made it home. Today however, we focus on another gentleman. I will talk more about my friend later... Sitting in a hotel room that lay on the...
Will You Decorate a Soldiers Grave on Monday?
I remember as a young girl, my mom would tell me, "You were born on traditional Memorial Day." She said that due to the fact that Memorial Day used to be May 30. (And that day just so happens to be my birthday.) But then, the government decided to make it a federal...
Memorial Day: Do you remember?
Not that my friend was trying to do me in, but after 50 minutes of Zumba class, I was beginning to question her motives. My heart pounding and my lungs heaving, I somehow successfully managed to climb into her car for the ride home. Convinced I had just had a near...



Doing Life Together