
Everyday Life w/ Stephanie
Last Big Shindig…
Well, today is Mardi Gras. French for “Fat Tuesday”. This day, before Ash Wednesday, is known for the huge celebration that occurs before the 40-day period known to many faithful followers of the church as LENT. If you aren't familiar with Lent, it is the period of...
Happy Birthday, Mr. Presidents.
As the brand new Congress (originally meeting in the city of New York) argued vehemently over what exactly to call their nation's new leader, tempers flared. Having just suffered to a great extent, life and limb, for freedom from Imperial government, the thought of a...
Let the Games Begin!
Ok. So, word is now out. I am a huge Olympics fan. And it started early. I remember sitting glued to the television as a young girl mesmerized by those Eastern European gymnasts who wowed the crowd with their every move - and win! But I will never forget watching the...
Valentines. The Day of Hearts/Expectations is upon Us.
Well, 'tis the season. This is the week that all good people are encouraged, no, let's face it, expected, to focus on the following: -Cards -Chocolate -Flowers -Hearts -Sentiment -Perhaps Dinner Out -Perhaps a Gift It all depends on who is in our lives as we approach...
Lord of the Board.
What's red, flies, and has its own private half pipe in an undisclosed location -- compliments of Red Bulll? The answer: Shaun White. When "The Flying Tomato" burst onto the worldwide scene during the Torino Winter Olympics, the average television viewer was receiving...
Silence is Golden.
Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted... I can't find the source to that quote, but I sure like it. I am often amazed at the power of silence. A power I truly wish I fully understood and harnessed. But alas, my words usually find their way out into the...



Doing Life Together