Everyday Life w/ Stephanie
Words: Life or Death.
Words. Funny. Something as simple as letters randomly placed together can create powerful messages. Messages that can bring a smile to a face, a tear to an eye and an arrow to a heart. It all depends on the messenger. When you or I speak or write, we use words. And...
Yard Sale Anyone?
Weekends! A wonderful word. And... if you're one of "those", it's yard sale time! Hard to believe that a week ago today I was in hourly countdown mode as I worked toward my big honkin' yard sale. I am pleased to report, the rain held, the crew was superb, and we had a...
Bullies and other Perplexing People.
There seems to be alot of discussion and debate these days about bullying. It reminded me of a blog I did a few years back. Enjoy! Bullies. Mean girls. Ladder climbers. Call them what you will. You know the ones. They just can’t stand to see you succeed. They don’t...
Rooting Out the Truth.
I have been in a remodel project at my house of late. And so, those things are on my mind. The blog post below was written awhile ago, but I saw it recently and thought I'd pull it back out. Enjoy... It was a normal Wednesday night. Suddenly, the bathtub was backed up...
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones…
Remember that saying we used to throw out as kids? Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Try as we might, repeating those words while hoping to look or sound tough, doesn't always work. Truth is, when people say mean hurts. You...
This Fascinating Experiment We Call “Home.”
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our nation, this coming July 4 weekend, I have to admit, I never cease to be amazed at the miracle of America. It's beyond the imagination that we, as 13 struggling colonies, ever made it to this fascinating experiment that...
Doing Life Together