
Everyday Life w/ Stephanie

House on fire!

Card from my dog…

Not so fast…

“And Forgive Us Our Trash Baskets…”

Are you finding it hard to forgive someone lately? When the email titled “Church Kids” arrivedin my inbox, I didn't realize it would end up as part of a blog. It was a kind of “kids say the craziest things” collection and I have to admit, these were new to me. It was...

Do You Celebrate Feb 2nd?

There's a holiday, of sorts, that many of us probably won't celebrate too wildly. How Ground Hog Day managed to find its way to “holiday” status is a mystery to most humble Americans. Where the day originated from, I truly didn’t know. A little time searching the...

Isn’t that a “Christian” thing?

As we stood in front of the large screen TV in the conference room, I was simply stunned and amazed. Without fail, each time I was scheduled for a particular women's event, there seemed to be a severe Thunderstorm and Tornado in my area. Rain would pour. Trees came...

It’s Carnival Season. Know Much about It?

For those of you that have been following with us, we talked about how Carnival Season began this past Friday. If you want to know more, you can check out my last blog update. Carnival period, as it is known, begins around Epiphany (or Twelfth Night/January 6) and...

Let ’em Eat Cake!

Just so you know, the 12 Days of Christmas ended today. But don't be sad, today starts something else. I might be the first person to wish you HAPPY CARNIVAL SEASON. Most of you may be thinking, "But it's too cold for a fair." Nope. Not that kind of amusement, but the...

I would have to admit, 2011 was a nice year for me. I leave it feeling good about it rather than the usual, “Boy, I sure hope 2012 is better.” I was pleased with last year. It wasn’t perfect. There are things I would have changed about it. But, overall, it was a good...





Doing Life Together