
Everyday Life w/ Stephanie

House on fire!

Card from my dog…

Not so fast…

One Lump, or Two?

As I poured my cup of coffee from the large urn that sat on the white cloth covered table outside the sanctuary doors, I suddenly realized there was a line for the cream and sugar. A line? How hard can it be to add cream and sugar I thought? Apparently, harder than...

Icebreakers. Part II.

So, here we are. And I am back with PART II of this week's ICEBREAKER series. Hope you enjoyed our first installment. (Scroll down below.) Here is round 2 just for you. 🙂 11. I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.– Will Rogers 12. If...

Icebreakers for Your Week.

We can all use a little levity from time to time. And, if not that, some fresh perspective now and then never hurts. Do you have any meetings scheduled this week? Gatherings perhaps? Socials? If so, here is Part One of a two-part blog that I wanted to share with you....

The Power of…silence.

I was watching a new campaign ad that had just been released. As the images faded in and out, I realized there was only words. The only message was the one that was written on the screen matching each image. I am often amazed at the power of silence. A...





Doing Life Together