Everyday Life w/ Stephanie
It’s the Holiday Season…
The tunes and lyrics are ringing in my ears already as I stroll the aisles of the local stores. Meanwhile, the leaves from Autumn that fall on my deck and yard remind me that plenty more of their counterparts still dwell in the tree tops awaiting their timely descent....
It’s Not How High, It’s How Far.
I jokingly shared with my friend as we were taking an evening walk that I was considering writing a book titled Lessons from the Yoga Mat. But then, I would imagine there are probably lots of book products already out there with a title like that. Yet here is where...
Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out.
It was a normal Wednesday night. Suddenly, the bathtub was backed up and full of black gunk. I could hear one of the bathroom toilets (in another area of the house!) start to overflow. "Trouble," were the words that came out of my mouth. Long story short, after a few...
And our series comes to a close: 100-110!
For those of you who have been tagging along, bravo! Today we will wrap up our journey through George Washington's Rules of Civility and Behaviour in Conversation. I have to admit, I absolutely love this last grouping. Even on the first one, I actually knew someone...
Reflections: November 2, 2010
Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual -- or at least that he ought not so to do -- but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is...
Voting Day cometh…
It's amazing to think that 545 people run the lives of 310,000,000 Americans. Hard to imagine, but you know, it's pretty true! Here's the run down: - 435 members in House of Representatives - 100 U.S. Senators - 1 President - 9 Supreme Court Justices A friend sent the...
Doing Life Together