
Everyday Life w/ Stephanie
We’re in the home stretch…#90-99. Table manners.
If you've been checking in and keeping up with our Civil Rules challenge, you need to know, we are in the final rounds. With 110 of George Washington's Rules of Civility, it's hard to believe it, but we're almost home! Here's your next to last group. This set focuses...
Do you know who Jeff Hart is? You actually do.
American Exceptionalism. It's a phrase we don't hear about much any more. It used to be kosher. But today, not so much. And to those who strive to be politically correct, it's a topic that is considered "not very proper" or perhaps not "polite". In our past, it was...
Are You Feeling Civil? Here’s #80-89!
Our Rules of Civility and Behavior challenge continues. If you aren't familiar with what we've been up to, be sure to check out all the other posts like this! Here's our next round. You know the drill. Pick one virtue listed below and work on it this week! 80th Be not...
Rules of Civility: #70-79. Which will you choose?
How are you doing? Are you hanging in there on this challenge. I am so amazed at how these little tidbits of wisdom can change an entire interchange, thus determining an the result or outcome of many a situation. You know the drill: pick one and work on it this week....
GW’s Exercise in Civility: Our Adventure Continues. #60-69
Ok, so if you haven't been with us over the course of the last few weeks...we are working our way through the 110 virtues that our first President (George Washington) used to keep in his pocket. They are commonly known as Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour In...
Just a thought.
Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over. –Octavia Butler



Doing Life Together