
Everyday Life w/ Stephanie
Holy Week. Day 3. Tuesday.
Tuesday before Christ was crucified was a very full day for Jesus. Knowing it was His final week on this earth, as a human, you can really see how hard he was working to get every little last bit of business in that He could before His departure. Holy Week Tuesday...
Holy Week. Day 2. Monday.
So, now you know what happened on Palm Sunday. If you read yesterday’s blog that is. Jesus went into Jerusalem, rode through the streets on a donkey and the people waved palm branches and sang, “Hosanna to God in the highest.” We refer to that event as the Triumphal...
Palm Sunday. Day 1 of Holy Week.
Day 1: Sundown Saturday to Sunday Sunday. In case you didn’t know, today began what is known to the Christian church as Holy Week. Yep, the week before Easter. And it starts officially today. Palm Sunday. For those of you that have been following along since Friday...
Friday Night. Jesus’ Last Sabbath.
So, it's Friday prior to Holy Week. For you and me. But for Jesus and His disciples it was time to make the trek toward Jerusalem in preparation for Passover Feast week. For our Jewish Jesus, it was also to be the final week of His human life. On this particular...
Holy Week Cometh.
Have you noticed the church signs of late that tout Holy Week festivites, as you zip down the road? If you haven't, try to take a quick glimpse in the next couple of days. Without compromising your safety of course. Just a quick tip, it will be more of the Methodist...
Those Rolls with the Cross that were Outlawed.
It was a gloomy, misty morning. A perfect setting for a Good Friday, if you were to ask me. And I was hot on the trail for the best Hot Cross Buns I could find. Out of the house and into the car with The Judge (my faithful pup), we headed out to find the most...



Doing Life Together