
Everyday Life w/ Stephanie
Spring Is Here…
Those were the opening words of one of the tunes I used to sing back in the day. That "Day" was when I sang with a 17-piece stage band. I loved my days with the boys. They were incredible musicians, and I was honored to be a part. More than that, I just simply LOVED...
Are you Green or Orange this St. Patty’s Day?
When we see or think of St. Patty’s Day, we think green. We wear green. We eat green things. Perhaps that's due, in large part, to the fact that Green was the color of the Flag for Irish Catholics. But did you know that Orange was the color of the Protestant flag?...
I’ve Heard of Catching Moonbeams, but-Daylight?
It's that time again. The season where each of us frantically run around our homes changing the clocks in the bathroom, the living area, the bedrooms and the oven. If that's not enough, we then head out to adjust those electircal devices that don't auto-set with the...
Lenten Poetry?
Yep. "Who knew?" As they say. And, as a blogger who loves to keep you abreast of special days and seasons, imagine my sadness to have to admit to you, dear reader, alas, I had no idea that poet T.S. Eliot actually had a poem by the title ASH WEDNESDAY. So, with the...
Fish Sandwich Anyone?
Did you know that the Filet o Fish sandwich from McDonalds was a result of a religious tradition? It's true. As I was flipping through the TIME magazine, my eyes fell on an article that was showing the menu transformation of the fast food chain McDonald's over the...
It happened on this night, 234 years ago today…
It was Thanksgiving of 1775, and if the scraggly rebels were to make any headway in the war they started, they would need the big guns. Literally. Sitting in a fort, somewhere in upper New York, cannons sat unused and rusting. It took the audacity of a 25-year old,...



Doing Life Together